Not being academically trained or having attended any art schools my approach will be more 'What they don't tell you in Art School!' than a formal academic approach, and the goal of the course will be to enjoy the experience of developing and improving individual skills and confidence in the art of Portraiture.
The principle medium used will be oil paints but the course won't be limited to one particular method or style and the intent will be to build competence, confidence and originality in being able to portray a likeness in a variety of mediums and methods, and will be aimed at developing confidence to paint 'alla prima' with short poses but will also include developing a more finished result over longer poses.
We got off to slightly disorganized start, orienting myself to the way things work there, we had a volunteer model step in from another group for a short time... next week should run a little smoother, and some of the participants are keen to explore other mediums like watercolour next week.